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Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated ve funkci eval() (řádek: 1 v souboru /var/www/clients/client0/web26/web/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
Úterý, 2.3.2021

O aktuálním doporučení vlády uzavřít venkovní dětská hřiště se diskutovalo i na pondělním jednání Krizového štábu ORP Olomouc. Vláda totiž "důrazně doporučila" dětská hřiště uzavřít. Názory v krizovém štábu se ale různily. Nakonec převážila vůle ponechat dětská hřiště otevřená. Město ale v této souvislosti zdůrazňuje, za jakých podmínek se smí hřiště využívat a pro koho jsou určena.

„Chceme umožnit například maminkám, aby při dodržování všech opatření mohly s dětmi trávit čas i na dětském hřišti,“ vysvětlil primátor Mirek Žbánek, proč město rozhodlo jinak. Roli při tom sehrál nepochybně i fakt, že s ohledem na omezení volného pohybu osob teď budou Olomoučané trávit většinu času ve městě.

Jen s rouškami a jen z jedné domácnosti. A žádní výrostci!

Jednotlivá hřiště teď znovu dostanou informační tabule s instrukcemi, za jakých podmínek je lze použít. Podstatné je dodržování platných vládních nařízení a zvýšených hygienických opatření. Vstup je povolen pouze pro osoby bez respiračních obtíží a s ochranným prostředkem dýchacích cest, tedy zdravotnickou rouškou nebo respirátorem. Už sama vládní nařízení definují, že se venku, tedy i na dětském hřišti, mohou společně pohybovat pouze osoby ze společné domácnosti. Proto by tedy bylo nadbytečné stanovovat přesný počet osob, které smí společně na hřiště vstoupit.

Dále je pak podstatné dodržovat i provozní řád jednotlivých hřišť. Pokud je v provozním řádu uvedeno, že jsou herní prvky určeny dětem do 10 či 12 let, je pochopitelné, že starší osoby nemají na herních prvcích co dělat. Strážníci městské policie tak mohou takové osoby z hřiště okamžitě vykázat. To v Olomouci celkem dobře známe, když na mnoha dětských hřištích tráví volný čas party puberťáků. 



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Величина скидки растет пропорционально размером вашего заказа! Удобный способ оформления и получения: Удобный процесс оформления заказа через интернет или по телефону . Оперативная отправка по всей России .Основной наш вид деятельности - оптовая реализация искусственных растений"Компания 55optOrg" проводит оптовые продажи декоративных растений уже свыше 10 лет. Мы рады тем, что обеспечиваем масштабные объемы высококачественных декоративных цветов для наших клиентов. Оптовые поставки нашей декоративной флористики популярны как в России, так и на международной арене (wholesale artificial flowers).Опт цветов искусственных на любые потребностиВ нашем магазине вы найдете:Букеты и композицииДекоративные цветы и декоративная зеленьДекоративные элементы и детали для свадебных торжествУкрашающие зеленые элементы для жилища и офисаДревесные растения и кустарникиЭкономная оптовая purchase копий floraCompany "55optOrg" представляет extensive range artificial растений in bulk по привлекательным расценкам. Наши advantages:Выгодные правила сотрудничества и бонусыЭксклюзивные акции для loyal buyersСистематические discounts на сезонные коллекцииПриобретая имитационные растения оптом в "55optOrg", вы инвестируете в качество и выгоду для своего бизнеса. Не потеряйте случай узнать детальнее о существующих вариантах и сделать заказ уже в данный момент!Искусственные флористические изделия в больших объемах: ключевой фактор процветающего предприятия в индустрии оформления и флористикиАктуальный дизайн и цветочный бизнес не функционируют без искусственных растений. Многие коммерсантов и организаций ищут способы приобрести "оптом искусственные растения", чтобы оснастить собственный бизнес качественными материалами по конкурентным ценам. Когда заказчики ищут надежных продавцов, они часто набирают в поиск "оптовая продажа искусственные цветы".Как найти оптовых поставщиков искусственных цветовСтоит заметить, что запрос "оптовые поставки искусственных цветов" часто встречается в различных формах, но с тем же значением. Зачастую покупатели вставляют в запрос активное слово, к примеру, "приобрести большое количество искусственных цветов", выражая намерение сделать заказ. "Массовая реализация искусственных цветов" - это фраза, которую чаще употребляют дистрибьюторы, рекламируя свои услуги. Встречается также запрос "крупные поставки декоративных цветов", который является альтернативную формулировку распространенного запроса.Воссоздание природной эстетики: крупные продажи высококачественных искусственных флорыДля тех, кто ищет профессиональный вариант, "крупная продажа декоративных растений" может выглядеть более заманчиво. "Искусственная ботаника крупными партиями" - это выражение, который часто употребляется в экспертных сферах. "Оптовая приобретение декоративных цветов" может заинтересовать взгляд тех, кто ищет наиболее натуральные решения. Для глобальных запросов часто применяется английский вариант "wholesale artificial flowers".Частые поисковые запросы крупных клиентов декоративных растенийНекоторые заказчики выбирают более детальные запросы, такие как "крупные партии первоклассных имитации флоры", что указывает на поиск проверенного поставщика с разнообразным ассортиментом. "Выгодные цены на массовые поставки декоративных цветов" интересуют тех, кто ищет лучшее соотношение цены и качества. "Богатый выбор декоративной флоры для масштабных покупателей" может привлечь внимание тех, кто хочет иметь разнообразный выбор для своих клиентов.Особенности продвижения на в области крупных поставок искусственных цветовОрганизации, занимающиеся на оптовых поставках искусственных цветов, часто применяют фирменные ссылки в своей промоции. Например, "55опторг: оптовая реализация нестандартных цветов" помогает закрепить в представлении клиента связь между маркой и продуктом. "Приобрести в 55optOrg нестандартные цветы оптом" - это стимул к заказу, который может улучшить продажи.Важно отметить, что сфера декоративных цветов непрерывно прогрессирует. Появляются современные материалы и материалы, которые повышают имитацию к натуральным по внешнему виду. Оптовые покупатели обращают внимание не только в низких ценах, но и высокое качество, срок службы и экологическую безопасность товаров. Многие поставщики теперь предлагают декоративные цветы, изготовленные из экологически чистых материалов, что отвечает растущему интересу на экологичные продукцию.Вне зависимости от точных формулировок, используемых заказчиками или реализаторами, понятно одно: оптовая торговля декоративными растениями остается популярной и иметь популярность. Вариативность ключевых слов отражает многообразие потребностей и ожиданий покупателей, от камерных флористических студий до масштабных декораторских компаний. Реализаторы, которые в состоянии обеспечить разнообразие нужд и грамотно оперировать различные ключевые фразы в рекламных кампаниях, имеют лучшие возможности успеха в этой состязательной отрасли.

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Workmanship That Lasts a Life Time in Cincinnati Property owners recognize that a roof isn't almost protection; it has to do with assurance. When you consider a strong, resilient roof, the name that should come to mind is Life time Top quality Roof Covering Cincinnati. This business isn't just one more roof covering solution; they are dedicated to supplying top-tier workmanship that genuinely lasts a lifetime. If you're a Cincinnati local seeking trustworthy roofing services, this article will guide you with why Life Time Top Quality Roof is the best choice. Why Select Lifetime Top Quality Roof Cincinnati? When it pertains to roof covering, high quality is non-negotiable. Life Time Quality Roof covering Cincinnati attracts attention with its unfaltering devotion to remarkable roofing services. They provide a series of solutions including roofing system replacement, repair work, and evaluations, guaranteeing your home is protected regardless of the period. Their proficiency covers different roofing products-- whether it's asphalt roof shingles or metal roof covering, they have actually obtained you covered. What absolutely establishes them apart is their steadfast dedication to supplying extraordinary workmanship. Each task is come close to with a thorough eye for detail, guaranteeing that every roofing system they work with not only looks good yet also stands the test of time. Citizens throughout Cincinnati have come to rely on Life time Quality Roof for their stability and quality. Life Time High Quality Roof Cincinnati Reviews The very best way to assess a firm's integrity is through its testimonials. Life Time Quality Roofing Cincinnati flaunts countless 5-star evaluations from pleased clients. Customers regularly rave about the quality of handiwork, prompt service, and professional conduct they get. One property owner shared, "They changed our old roof covering into a masterpiece. The team was expert and finished the work earlier than expected." One more customer kept in mind, "From the first appointment to the final cleanup, Lifetime Quality Roofing went beyond all my assumptions." These endorsements emphasize the trust fund and contentment that Cincinnati residents have in the firm, reflecting a record of excellence and dependability. Life Time Quality Roof Cincinnati Montgomery Reviews Transforming our focus to the Montgomery area of Cincinnati, Lifetime Quality Roof covering continues to excite. In this specific area, clients have expressed tremendous contentment, especially with roof and siding tasks. A Montgomery resident highlighted, "Their interest to detail was impressive. Our new roof not just looks outstanding but has likewise boosted our home's energy performance." Another testimonial from this location pointed out the seamless procedure from quote to conclusion, enhancing the business's online reputation for providing on pledges. For Montgomery citizens, Life time High quality Roof covering is identified with reliability and top quality. Lifetime High Quality Roofing Cincinnati Ohio: Provider Introduction Lifetime Top quality Roofing supplies a thorough variety of services customized to meet the varied needs of Cincinnati homeowners. Below's a more detailed take a look at what they offer: Roofing Installation: From new setups to boosting existing structures, they guarantee your roof is constructed to last. Roofing Replacement: Utilizing high-quality materials, they replace old, worn-out roofings, providing your home a fresh, makeover. Roofing system Services: Whether it's leaks or basic wear and tear, their fixing services restore your roof covering to its finest problem. Storm Damage Remediation: Quick and efficient reconstruction solutions that attend to storm-related damages quickly. Rain Gutter Setup & Repair Service: Appropriate gutter systems stop water damages; they set up and fix rain gutters to make sure capability. Cincinnati residents count on Lifetime High quality Roofing for their dedication to top quality and their capacity to take care of any kind of roof covering challenge with ease. Life time Quality Roof's Commitment to Client Satisfaction At the heart of Life time Quality Roofing's operations is a strong concentrate on client satisfaction. Their team functions closely with homeowners to attend to details issues, making sure long lasting results and outstanding service. They offer guarantees and assurances, highlighting their confidence in the toughness of their job. This commitment to top quality and customer joy is what sets them apart in the competitive roof industry. Just how to Get a Free Quote from Lifetime High Quality Roof Covering in Cincinnati Starting with Lifetime Quality Roofing is straightforward. Here's exactly how you can request a totally free roof assessment or quote: See their website or call their customer service to arrange a visit. Give basic information regarding your home and roof covering needs. Set up a practical time for their professional group to visit your building. Obtain a detailed price quote and assessment, talking about the most effective remedies for your roof requirements. Their smooth procedure makes sure that possible customers feel comfortable and informed every action of the way. Frequently Asked Questions regarding Life Time Quality Roofing Cincinnati What locations does Life time High quality Roof covering serve in Cincinnati? Life time High quality Roof covering proudly serves the whole Cincinnati area, including surrounding residential areas. The length of time does a roof covering replacement take? While timelines can vary based on task size, most roof substitutes are completed within a couple of days. What materials do they focus on? They focus on a selection of materials consisting of asphalt shingles and metal roof covering. Can they assist with insurance coverage claims for storm damages? Yes, their group is experienced in helping homeowners with insurance cases connected to storm problems. Count On Life Time Quality Roofing Cincinnati Picking a roofing solution is a significant decision for any property owner. With Life Time Top Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati, you're choosing a firm that values high quality, dependability, and client contentment above all. Their dedication to quality ensures your home is not just secured but additionally aesthetically pleasing. If you prepare to experience workmanship that lasts a life time, connect to Lifetime Top Quality Roof for your following roofing inspection, repair work, or replacement. Your home's safety and elegance are just a call away.

Workmanship That Lasts a Lifetime in Cincinnati Homeowners know that a roofing system isn't almost protection; it's about peace of mind. When you think of a tough, long lasting roof, the name that must come to mind is Life time Quality Roof Cincinnati. This business isn't simply another roofing service; they are dedicated to supplying top-tier craftsmanship that genuinely lasts a life time. If you're a Cincinnati citizen searching for dependable roof covering services, this message will guide you with why Life Time High Quality Roofing is the very best selection. Why Pick Life Time Top Quality Roof Cincinnati? When it comes to roof covering, high quality is non-negotiable. Lifetime High quality Roof Cincinnati stands apart with its unfaltering dedication to premium roof services. They supply a variety of solutions consisting of roof substitute, repair, and inspections, ensuring your home is secured despite the season. Their proficiency spans different roof materials-- whether it's asphalt roof shingles or steel roof, they have actually obtained you covered. What truly sets them apart is their unwavering dedication to supplying outstanding craftsmanship. Each task is come close to with a careful eye for information, making sure that every roof they work with not only looks good however likewise stands the test of time. Residents across Cincinnati have actually come to rely on Life time Quality Roof covering for their reliability and top quality. Lifetime Top Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati Reviews The very best way to gauge a business's reliability is through its reviews. Life Time Top quality Roofing Cincinnati flaunts numerous 5-star testimonials from completely satisfied clients. Customers continually rave regarding the top quality of workmanship, timely solution, and expert conduct they obtain. One house owner shared, "They transformed our old roof covering right into a work of art. The team was expert and completed the job earlier than expected." Another client kept in mind, "From the preliminary consultation to the final cleaning, Lifetime Quality Roof covering went beyond all my assumptions." These reviews highlight the depend on and fulfillment that Cincinnati citizens have in the company, mirroring a record of quality and integrity. Life Time Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati Montgomery Reviews Turning our emphasis to the Montgomery area of Cincinnati, Lifetime Top quality Roofing continues to excite. In this details region, consumers have expressed enormous satisfaction, especially with roofing and house siding jobs. A Montgomery citizen highlighted, "Their interest to information was remarkable. Our brand-new roofing not just looks amazing but has also enhanced our home's power performance." One more review from this area mentioned the smooth process from quote to conclusion, enhancing the business's online reputation for providing on guarantees. For Montgomery homeowners, Life time Top quality Roofing is synonymous with reliability and quality. Life Time Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati Ohio: Solutions Review Lifetime Top quality Roof covering uses a thorough variety of services customized to fulfill the diverse requirements of Cincinnati locals. Right here's a better look at what they supply: Roofing Setup: From new setups to improving existing structures, they guarantee your roofing is constructed to last. Roof Covering Substitute: Making use of high-quality materials, they change old, worn-out roof coverings, giving your home a fresh, face-lift. Roof covering Repair works: Whether it's leaks or general deterioration, their repair work solutions recover your roof covering to its ideal problem. Tornado Damage Remediation: Quick and effective repair services that address storm-related damages swiftly. Rain Gutter Installation & Repair Service: Proper seamless gutter systems avoid water damages; they mount and fix seamless gutters to guarantee capability. Cincinnati residents trust fund Lifetime Top quality Roof for their dedication to top quality and their capacity to take care of any type of roofing difficulty with ease. Life time Quality Roof's Dedication to Customer Complete Satisfaction At the heart of Life time Quality Roof's operations is a strong concentrate on consumer fulfillment. Their team works carefully with homeowners to deal with specific issues, guaranteeing long lasting results and remarkable solution. They supply guarantees and guarantees, highlighting their confidence in the toughness of their job. This dedication to high quality and customer happiness is what establishes them apart in the competitive roof sector. Exactly how to Get a Free Price Quote from Lifetime Quality Roof Covering in Cincinnati Starting with Life time High quality Roof is straightforward. Below's just how you can ask for a complimentary roofing assessment or estimate: See their internet site or call their customer care to schedule an appointment. Provide standard information about your home and roof needs. Schedule a practical time for their professional group to visit your residential property. Obtain a detailed price quote and consultation, going over the very best options for your roof requirements. Their seamless procedure guarantees that possible customers really feel comfortable and educated every step of the way. Frequently Asked Questions concerning Life Time High Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati What areas does Life time Top quality Roofing serve in Cincinnati? Life time Top quality Roof covering proudly serves the whole Cincinnati area, including surrounding suburbs. How much time does a roof covering substitute take? While timelines can vary based on job size, most roof covering substitutes are completed within a few days. What products do they specialize in? They specialize in a variety of materials consisting of asphalt tiles and steel roof. Can they aid with insurance coverage cases for tornado damages? Yes, their group is experienced in assisting property owners with insurance policy claims associated with storm damages. Trust Fund Lifetime Top Quality Roof Cincinnati Choosing a roofing solution is a substantial choice for any house owner. With Life Time High Quality Roofing Cincinnati, you're picking a business that values high quality, reliability, and customer complete satisfaction most importantly. Their commitment to quality guarantees your home is not only safeguarded however also cosmetically pleasing. If you're ready to experience craftsmanship that lasts a life time, connect to Lifetime High Quality Roofing for your following roofing examination, repair work, or replacement. Your home's safety and security and elegance are simply a call away.

Workmanship That Lasts a Life Time in Cincinnati House owners recognize that a roofing isn't almost protection; it has to do with assurance. When you consider a strong, durable roofing, the name that should come to mind is Life time High quality Roofing Cincinnati. This firm isn't simply an additional roof covering service; they are devoted to offering top-tier craftsmanship that absolutely lasts a lifetime. If you're a Cincinnati citizen seeking reliable roof covering solutions, this message will assist you via why Lifetime Top Quality Roof covering is the most effective selection. Why Choose Lifetime High Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati? When it pertains to roof, high quality is non-negotiable. Life Time Quality Roofing Cincinnati stands apart with its steadfast devotion to exceptional roofing services. They supply a series of services consisting of roof substitute, fixing, and examinations, guaranteeing your home is safeguarded no matter the season. Their competence extends different roofing products-- whether it's asphalt shingles or steel roof covering, they've got you covered. What absolutely sets them apart is their steady dedication to supplying extraordinary craftsmanship. Each task is come close to with a precise eye for information, guaranteeing that every roof covering they service not only looks good but also stands the test of time. Citizens across Cincinnati have actually involved rely on Life time Top quality Roof for their dependability and top quality. Life Time Quality Roofing Cincinnati Reviews The very best method to gauge a business's dependability is via its reviews. Life Time High quality Roof Cincinnati boasts various 5-star evaluations from satisfied clients. Clients regularly rave concerning the quality of handiwork, timely service, and expert conduct they obtain. One house owner shared, "They transformed our old roof covering right into a work of art. The group was professional and completed the task earlier than anticipated." One more customer noted, "From the preliminary appointment to the final clean-up, Lifetime Quality Roof surpassed all my expectations." These testimonials underscore the depend on and fulfillment that Cincinnati residents have in the company, mirroring a track record of quality and dependability. Life Time Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati Montgomery Reviews Transforming our emphasis to the Montgomery area of Cincinnati, Life time High quality Roof covering remains to thrill. In this certain area, clients have actually revealed tremendous complete satisfaction, particularly with roofing and exterior siding tasks. A Montgomery citizen highlighted, "Their interest to information was impressive. Our new roof not only looks incredible but has actually also boosted our home's power efficiency." An additional review from this area mentioned the seamless process from quote to conclusion, strengthening the company's online reputation for supplying on guarantees. For Montgomery homeowners, Lifetime Top quality Roofing is synonymous with integrity and top quality. Life Time High Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati Ohio: Services Review Life time High quality Roof offers a detailed range of services tailored to satisfy the varied demands of Cincinnati locals. Here's a closer look at what they offer: Roof covering Installation: From new installations to improving existing frameworks, they ensure your roof is built to last. Roof Substitute: Making use of high-grade products, they change old, worn-out roofing systems, providing your home a fresh, make over. Roof Services: Whether it's leaks or basic damage, their repair solutions recover your roofing to its best problem. Tornado Damage Restoration: Quick and efficient restoration solutions that deal with storm-related problems quickly. Rain Gutter Installment & Repair Work: Appropriate rain gutter systems prevent water damages; they mount and fix seamless gutters to ensure capability. Cincinnati homeowners trust Life time Top quality Roofing for their dedication to quality and their capability to manage any kind of roof covering difficulty effortlessly. Lifetime Quality Roof's Commitment to Consumer Complete Satisfaction At the heart of Lifetime Top quality Roof covering's procedures is a strong focus on customer complete satisfaction. Their team functions closely with house owners to address particular issues, making certain durable results and phenomenal solution. They provide guarantees and warranties, underscoring their self-confidence in the durability of their work. This commitment to high quality and client happiness is what establishes them apart in the competitive roof sector. How to Get a Free Price Quote from Lifetime High Quality Roof in Cincinnati Getting going with Lifetime Top quality Roof is simple. Here's exactly how you can request a complimentary roof covering examination or estimate: Visit their site or call their customer care to arrange a consultation. Offer standard details regarding your home and roof needs. Set up a practical time for their expert team to visit your residential or commercial property. Obtain a detailed estimate and appointment, reviewing the very best services for your roofing demands. Their seamless procedure makes certain that prospective customers feel comfortable and enlightened every step of the means. Frequently Asked Questions regarding Lifetime High Quality Roofing Cincinnati What areas does Life time High quality Roof covering offer in Cincinnati? Lifetime Quality Roofing happily serves the entire Cincinnati area, including surrounding residential areas. How long does a roofing system replacement take? While timelines can vary based on job size, the majority of roofing system replacements are finished within a few days. What materials do they concentrate on? They specialize in a range of products consisting of asphalt tiles and metal roof. Can they help with insurance policy cases for storm damages? Yes, their group is experienced in assisting house owners with insurance cases associated with storm problems. Depend On Lifetime High Quality Roof Cincinnati Choosing a roof solution is a significant decision for any kind of homeowner. With Life Time High Quality Roof Covering Cincinnati, you're choosing a company that values top quality, integrity, and customer complete satisfaction above all. Their commitment to excellence ensures your home is not just secured however also visually pleasing. If you prepare to experience workmanship that lasts a life time, reach out to Lifetime High Quality Roof for your following roof covering examination, repair, or substitute. Your home's safety and security and beauty are simply a call away.


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